8th December – Fw: Christmas Waste Messages

As we’re all aware, Christmas is only a few short weeks away. This festive season is a busy time for everyone. From a Council perspective and from an Operations perspective, we want our messages regarding waste over the Christmas season to reach as many residents as possible in easy and quick ways.

Key messages that we believe are important for residents of Huntingdonshire to know include changes to collection days, frozen garden waste, increases in food waste, Household Recycling Centre opening information, disposing of Christmas trees and so on. There are numerous festive hints and tips we are putting out there through the means of our dedicated webpage, a press release, a page in the Hunts Post, and a slot on St Neots radio show ‘Black Cat Radio’ next week. 

Another channel of communication is social media, and we have produced a 7 week timetable for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram running from 20th November – 7th January with posts talking all about the key messages outlined above. The links are provided below in case you wish to follow/like them yourselves or pass them along to other residents so they have a way to access this information.

Facebook- Recycle for Huntingdonshire

Twitter- Recycle with HDC

Instagram- Recycle for Huntingdonshire


Heidi Field

Waste Minimisation Officer

Huntingdonshire District Council